Stones According to Zodiac Signs

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Aries who succumb to the desire to lead and assert themselves have a lot of energy. He never leaves his loved ones, but can be very destructive when he gets angry.

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Under the influence of Venus, Taurus likes to wander around the joyful and positive aspects of life. You like to dress up and stand out.

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Gemini, the sign of changes, loves being this way. His mood disorders and incomprehensible attitudes are actually what makes him who he is...

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While Cancers struggle with internal reckoning without being able to share their feelings, they also deal with the oxymoron of being straightforward with people.

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It represents life force and vitality, it is under the influence of the sun, its brightness and fieryness have passed to the sign of Leo.

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I think your most important feature is being clever and paying attention to small details, you measure everything minutely...

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Libra, the child of Venus, you are very nice. You are elegant and polite, and you are known for your kind behavior towards people.

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We are often exposed to high floods of emotions and our ability to analyze has developed thanks to Pluto...

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You are very committed to your ideals, you get offended easily, but you forgive easily.

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You are extremely confident and respected because of your strong and unwavering personality.

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I have never seen anyone else who loves experimental and original living so much. I don't understand how you keep your feet on the ground like that despite your constant impulsive behavior.
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You have the strongest intuition, your ability to speak and explain to people will always attract them.

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